Flags and traffic lights
The circuit responsibles and the marshals communicate with the drivers by using flags and/or lights (also called electronic flags or digiflags). Each color gives precise information to the drivers.
Track open or free track or end of the danger zone which was indicated by the yellow flag; you can drive freely again. It is also the favicon of our website because it means “full throttle !”.
Danger and prohibition on overtaking other cars on the track (except those which have broken down or been involved in an accident). However you can stay on the track. There are several possible cases :
a/ One fixed yellow flag = danger zone and no overtaking (therefore no formal obligation to slow down). It warns the drivers that a yellow flag will be waved at the next marshal station and/or it indicates that a car has broken down on the site of the track (so no immediate danger on the track).
b/ One yellow flag waved = danger zone, no overtaking and slow down on the portion of the circuit under yellow flag, be prepared to avoid obstacles.
c/ Two yellow flags waved = danger zone, no overtaking, slow down strongly and be prepared to stop very quickly if necessary (partially obstructed track, many debris on the track, car/s damaged, etc…).
d/ One yellow flag showed with FCY (Full Course Yellow) panel = danger zone, no overtaking, you can stay on the track, maximum authorized speed 80 km/h on the whole circuit.
e/ One (or two) yellow flag showed with VSC (Virtual Safety Car) panel = danger zone, no overtaking, no reason for the moment to deploy the safety car. The drivers must slow down by 40% on the whole circuit. The drivers must keep the same time gaps between them.
f/ One yellow flag showed with SC (Safety Car) panel = safety car deployed; it is strictly forbidden to overtake the safety car unless the safety car expressly drivers must slow down by 40% on the whole circuitindicates it to yout. You can stay on the track but it is forbidden to overtake any other car.
Interruption of the session/stint. Significant danger on the track. Slow down. Prohibition to overtake. Obligatory return to the pits. A red light at the end of the pitlane means that access to the track is forbidden for the moment. You’re authorized to line up into the pitlane waiting for the green light. NOTE : some circuits use the red flag to indicate the end of a session/stint.
At the end of the pitlane = a car on the track comes fast, let it pass by accelerating gently and stay on the edge of the track (forbidden to cross the white line). On the track = a faster car is about to overtake you : you can either stay on the ideal line, or indicate with your blinker the side of the track where you are going (example : blinker “left” = you go left and stay there; the faster car will overtake you on the right).
Presence on the track of a slow car or an intervention-car; it can be overtaken with caution.
Danger ! Change of adherence (oil, coolants, water/rain, sand or gravel on the track). In case of rain, the marshal usually points a finger to the sky. Danger : adapt your speed, big risk of crash !
Shown with the number of the car : warning of a dangerous mechanical problem on the car. You must return directly into your box at moderate speed.
Shown with the number of the car : indicates unfair/dangerous behaviour; when the marshals present the black and white flag twice, the black flag will be shown.
Shown with the number of the car : disqualification of the concerned driver. Finish the lap and return directly to your box. A marshal will come to you and explain the reasons for your exclusion (this flag can sometimes mean the end of your day, for reasons of noise, a technical problem with your car or inappropriate and dangerous behaviour on the track).
End of session/stint or end of the day. Decelerate, cool down the car and return to the pits. No overtaking during this lap.